Compliance Inspection Compliance Inspection UID # 23003
Status: In Progress

System Status

System status on date: System Status:

Property Information

Property Information:
Property Owner's Mailing Address
(if different than property address):
Owner's representative:

Impact on Public Health

System discharges sewage to
the ground surface:
System discharges sewage to
drain tile or surface waters:
System causes sewage backup
into dwelling or establishment:
Verification method(s): Comments/Explanation:

Tank Integrity

System consists of seepage pit,
cesspool, drywell, or leaching pit:
Sewage tank(s) leak below their
designed operating depth:
Verification method(s):

Other Compliance Conditions

Maintenance hole covers are damaged, cracked,
unsecured, or appear to be structurally unsound:
Other issues (electrical hazards, etc.) to
immediately and adversely impact public
health or safety:
System is non protective of groundwater for other
conditions as determined by the inspector:

Date of Install

Date of install known:
Date of installation:

Soil Separation

Shoreland/Wellhead Protection/Food, beverage, lodging?
Drainfield has at least a two-foot vertical separation
distance from periodically saturated soil or bedrock:
Drainfield has at least a three-foot vertical separation
distance from periodically saturated soil or bedrock.:
Drainfield meets the designed vertical separation
distance from periodically saturated soil or bedrock.:
Verification method(s):
A. Bottom of distribution media:  Decimal Feet
B. Periodically saturated soil/bedrock:  Decimal Feet
C. System separation:  Decimal Feet
D. Required compliance separation:  Decimal Feet

Operating Permit and Nitrogen BMP

Is system operating under an Operating Permit:
Is the system required to employ Nitrogen BMP:

Comments and File Attachments

Comments or recommendations:
Attach Files:


    Please search for and choose SELF/OTHER if what you need does not appear in the list
    Inspector Contact (If 'self/other' is selected from the Inspector Lookup):
    Inspector Email Address:

    Invoice #4696 (08/06/2019)

    Charge Cost Quantity Total
    Grand Total
    Total $0.00
    This Application has not been submitted, so you may not pay for this Invoice.

    Public Notes


      Internal Notes

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